Paris Life

Unspoken Rules Of Paris: Supermarket Savoir

Text: Guillermo Martínez de Velasco As skinny as everyone around you looks in their rolled up navy or khaki pants, people in Paris have to eat. As a matter of fact, you have to eat… Read more

How long does it take to get my Paris pad?

First and foremost we are very flexible to your needs – our clients have busy schedules. Those based overseas often ask us to liaise with them remotely after an earlier meeting in Paris, or by… Read more

From Grand Boulevards to Palais Royal

Text: Guillermo Martinez de Velasco If ever there was a walk that would evoke everything Paris wanted others to see about it without showing that which it didn’t, it would be the one-hour stroll that… Read more

From Grand Boulevards to Palais Royal Part 2

Go back to Part 1 Text: Guillermo Martínez de Velasco You walk around it and wonder what the word ‘Madeleine’ even means. You’re back at Capucines but decide to turn right. The thought of heading… Read more

From Grand Boulevards to Palais Royale Part 3

  Go back to Part 2 Text: Guillermo Martínez de Velasco “Why am I here?” You ask yourself as you’re trying to cross Place de la Concorde. It takes you four minutes and three separate… Read more

Meet the Notaire

Many of VINGT Paris’ US clients are surprised when they find out that Notaires have a (virtual) monopoly on property transactions. I think it’s because they think that a Notaire is the same as a… Read more

Unspoken rules: 35 Parisian New Year’s Resolutions

Text: Guillermo Martinez de Velasco 1-Find someone French to have a date with 2-Actually do that thing where I pick an area of the Louvre per week, and visit it very attentively 3-Buy a bicycle… Read more

Promesse de Vente – going into contract

The Promesse de Vente is the first formal and legally binding stage in the property purchase process in France. It is a written contract of sale agreement which legally binds together the seller and purchaser.… Read more

Classic Parisian Movie Houses

Text: Brian Clark Image: Flickr Slipping into a small theatre at two in the afternoon to catch a beat-up 35mm print of an old movie is probably one of the most authentically Parisian activities still… Read more

Paris Life