Practical Info

Le Tango

Words: Richard Price Image: Le Tango Timing, as they say, is everything. At Le Tango, this could not be more true. On a recent Saturday night, my gal-pal and I arrived there at 23:30 and… Read more

La Tête Dans les Olives

Words: Omid Tavallai Image: Roberto Baibich In Paris, food is fashion. And just as fashion has its trends and fads, so does food. In January of this year, influential food critic François Simon (after whom… Read more

Marché Saint-Quentin

Text: Brendan Seibel Image: Dale Calder Today it’s hard to imagine Les Halles as anything other than an architectural disgrace. Centuries ago it was the “Belly of Paris”, but now teems with a distinctly different… Read more

How long does it take to get my Paris pad?

First and foremost we are very flexible to your needs – our clients have busy schedules. Those based overseas often ask us to liaise with them remotely after an earlier meeting in Paris, or by… Read more

Meet the Notaire

Many of VINGT Paris’ US clients are surprised when they find out that Notaires have a (virtual) monopoly on property transactions. I think it’s because they think that a Notaire is the same as a… Read more

Promesse de Vente – going into contract

The Promesse de Vente is the first formal and legally binding stage in the property purchase process in France. It is a written contract of sale agreement which legally binds together the seller and purchaser.… Read more

Classic Parisian Movie Houses

Text: Brian Clark Image: Flickr Slipping into a small theatre at two in the afternoon to catch a beat-up 35mm print of an old movie is probably one of the most authentically Parisian activities still… Read more

Your mortgage acceptance as condition of the Promesse de Vente

In the Promesse de Vente we usually request that the purchase be subject to a conditional clause (“clause suspensive”) which lays out the minimum terms of a loan that you are willing to accept to… Read more

The Smoking Museum: for Les Fumeurs and Les Non-Fumeurs alike

Words: Sara Waldron At first glance, the Musée du Fumeur, a tiny museum near Père Lachaise, has a bit of a head shop feel – with cigarettes, lighters, and all manner of smoking contraptions for… Read more

Practical Info