Market Update from Paris – September 2020

Posted on August 26, 2020 by VINGT Editorial

All of us here at VINGT Paris want to thank you for your ongoing support, your connection and your trust. It means the world. We truly cannot wait to see you again, whenever that may be. What a ride it’s been. Like you, we have been through the highs and lows of life in 2020 and we can only say that it has been a journey!

We expect the market to be buoyant as the year goes on, in Paris and the French Riviera, as buyers and tenants press on with their urgent property moves. See Susie talking about this in this Forbes article from August 2020 (PDF version here)

This time has also given us the opportunity to reflect on the experience we bring to you – and we are committed to deepening the relationships that we offer through our truly boutique, personalised service.

We started VINGT Paris 17 years ago with a vision of creating a space where we could provide solutions and this is how we feel we can best be of service as time goes on.

Although the last months haven’t been easy, by any stretch, we’re more committed than ever to re-emerging with greatness, and reminding you of all the reasons you work with us.
Here are a few of the good things to come out of the year so far…

We would also like to update you on the Paris Rental Market and how Vingt Paris are advancing.

Get in touch!
To learn more about how we can help, please send us an emailWhatsApp text/call or call. Also, if you’re not already part of our social-media communities, we’d love you to join us on LinkedIn,  FacebookInstagram and Twitter, where we’ll be continuing to share regular updates, and on our website.