Text: Guillermo Martinez de Velasco
1-Find someone French to have a date with
2-Actually do that thing where I pick an area of the Louvre per week, and visit it very attentively
3-Buy a bicycle and throw away my carte imagineR
4-Actually go to Château de Vincennes, not just talk about going
5-Promise to go to one of the presentations/lectures/workshops at Beaubourg or the Fondation Cartier per month
6-Don’t cheap out on French Vogue or Egoïste
7-Finally get my membership for the Hôtel-de-Ville Library and The Bibliothèque Forney / Go study in these libraries
8-Get photographed by The Sartorialist, at least
9-Volunteer at Shakespeare and Co. (But also check out the Abbey Bookstore)
10- Promise to learn more about wines, it’s embarrassing that you always go for the 4-5 euro Bordeaux 11-Don’t be afraid to ask what something means when I don’t know
12-Start playing chess at the Jardins de Luxembourg until men with berets know my name, and better yet, have a nickname for me
13-Have a date at the Musée de L’Art Brut
14-Don’t go to the Eiffel Tower on New Year’s Eve
15-Go eat tiny portions of microwaved macaroni and cheese at the Palais de Tokyo like some spoiled 16ème kid
16-Go to the police station and get my Carte d’Identité
17-Actually get my food either at the Bastille or Barbès markets
18-Have lunch with a friend at that community centre in front of the Goutte d’Or library
19-Spend more time in the Goutte D’Or instead of walking up and down the Canal St-Martin
20-Go watch at least 3 musicals at the Théâtre du Châtelet
21-Stop complaining about the French
22-Go to the Maison Rouge more often
23-Have a picnic at every major park, from Belleville to Monceau
24-Go on those neighbourhood tours offered by the city of Paris/Finding out what else the city of Paris offers
25-Jump into the Seine (Or at least dip my foot inside and then run home to wash it)
26-Watch every single Nouvelle Vague film set in Paris and then walk around the neighbourhood it was filmed in
27-Finally get over the Nouvelle Vague image of Paris
28-Go to one of those secret and illegal metro tunnel parties
29-Get that UGC/MK2 membership and go watch one film per week
30-Learn how to roll a cigarette while talking
31-Start reading Le Canard Enchâiné
32-Go to the Invalides Museum, even though it’s boring. Just go. Just once. Then it’s over. And you can have lunch on that cute little park next to it. Or better yet, in the Rodin Museum
33-Stop complaining about the weather. For god’s sake, it’s much better than where I come from!
34-Go to the monthly book swap party at Le Carmen in Pigalle
35-Like Ricard
36-Give the the 6ème a chance