A Tale of Two Cities – VINGT Paris featured in Sunday Times

“Twenty years after the launch of Eurostar, thousands of Britons are dividing their lives between London and Paris, with a home in each. Susie Hollands, founder of VINGTParis, has helped many frontaliers to find a… Read more


Words: Susie Hollands Images: Susie Hollands and La Mirande Perhaps best known for its annual theatre festival, the light that captivated impressionist Vincent Van Gogh during his convalescence, and of course that bridge – Avignon… Read more

VINGT Paris’ Top 10 Tips to Buy Property in Paris

Before your search: Take a long-term view based on your personal circumstances, the financing required, how much personal use to reserve and how much rental time to allow (if any) and whether you plan to… Read more

Basic Sales Process Details

If you decide to purchase property in France, you will first want to determine the amount of money you can borrow. You can do this by either visiting one or more banks that lend to Non-Residents,… Read more

Need to know: Obtaining Finance

HOW MUCH CAN I AFFORD? This will depend upon several factors: How much you are able to borrow; The period over which you intend to repay your mortgage; Your existing mortgage, loans and other commitments.… Read more

Need to know: Property Financing and Purchase Glossary

When buying a property in France, it’s useful to know a few key words in the local language. agent immobilier estate agent acompte deposit acte authentique de vente deed of sale apport personnel down payment… Read more

French Real Estate Glossary

ANCIEN: older building APPARTEMENT: apartment ASCENSEUR: elevator/lift ASSEMBLÉE DES COPROPRIÉTAIRES: general meeting of owners BALCON: balcony BUANDERIE: laundry room BONNE DISTRIBUTION: well laid-out floor plan BOX: parking BUREAU: study/office CARACTÈRE: character, something unusual… CARRELAGE: ceramic… Read more

Need to know: Financing in France

The answer is a straightforward yes, and no strings attached. This is so true that foreign real estate companies buy French real estate every time the market plunges. The second question that comes up is… Read more

Need to know: La Loi Alur

As of 27 March 2014, the Alur Law has been passed by the French government. Below is a summary of the changes to the legislation that may affect building and home owners. Charges: For lease… Read more