Mortgage application – documents required by a French bank

It can be quite hard to understand the cautious approach of French banks and their completely different attitude to borrowing and lending than in other countries. When applying for a mortgage, here are the documents… Read more

Chinatown(s) in Paris

Image: Passion Leica Where to go if you wanting to discover Paris’ most Asian-influenced areas – restaurants and shops to fill your stomachs and pantries with the best of the East. Nouveau Chinatown: The 3rd;… Read more

Need to know: Inheritance laws

When you purchase a property in France, French inheritance laws apply to that property. These laws, which are very different from the Separate Estates laws in other countries, can have an impact on the use… Read more

Luxury Paris Property Report Q1 2014

The European economy is experiencing a long cycle of economic crisis. Government approval of a number of policies and tax measures have an impact on French and international investors, both psychologically and in terms of… Read more

Need to know: Buying a house as a group

CAN A NUMBER OF PEOPLE BUY A HOME TOGETHER ? French homes may be purchased on an individual or on a collective basis. However, if you intend to buy a home collectively, all buyers will… Read more

Need to know: Insurance

Make sure that you are properly insured while living in France, where personal insurance is a legal requirement for a number of cases. The French insurance market offers a wide choice of companies and policies… Read more

20 Nightlife

1. Rosa Bonheur 2. Nouveau Casino 3. Social Club 4. La Maroquinerie 5. Silencio 6. Wanderlust  7. Le China 8. Rex Club 9. L’International 10.Le Divan du Monde 11. Concrete 12. Favela Chic 13. Le… Read more

20 Films Set in Paris

1. 2 ou 3 choses que je sais d’elle, (Godard, 1967) 2. Les Quatre Cent Coups, (Truffaut, 1959) 3. Hotel du Nord, (Carné, 1938) 4. Nikita, (Besson, 1990) 5. Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain, (Jeunet,… Read more

20 Cinémas

    1. La Pagode 2. La Geode 3. Studio 28 4. Studio Galande 5. La Cinémathèque 6. La Grand Rex 7. La Peniche Cinema 8. Max Linder Panorama 9. Le Champo 10. Beaugrenelle 11.… Read more