St. Germainer

Maison Gainsbourg

    Composing more than 550 songs which, in a very modern sense, blended wordplay with subversive overtones, Serge Gainsbourg is regarded as the most important figure in French pop music. During his life, he… Read more

Les Deux Magots

    Café de Flore is Saint Germain’s most famed social hub, but its neighbouring spot – Les Deux Magots – carries just as much history (and charm, for that matter). Sat on the corner… Read more

Musée des Arts Décoratifs

Words: Tiffany Tang Image: Jean-Pierre Dalbéra Situated in the Louvre’s 19th-century Rohan and Marsan wings is the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, a museum of decorative art and design that houses over 150,000 objects, showcasing collections… Read more

Jim Haynes – Atelier A-2 and Sunday night salons

  Words: Jill Pope Images: Alex Leggett I imagine that journalists the world over are united in their trepidation of interviewing people who have reached “legendary” status. It’s hard to know how to probe beyond… Read more

Florian Aubertin – La Cave des Papilles

Words: Omid Tavallai The story has almost become a cliché in what’s hot and exciting in Paris: A young upstart with no formal training. Someone who bailed on a corporate career to pursue an unrelated… Read more

Café Coutume

Words: Omid Tavallai Coffee is Paris has taken a turn for the better in recent times. It seems a long time ago that people were slashing through the images of postcard-perfect zinc counter tops and… Read more

Astier de Villatte

Text: Aran Cravey Image: Yoon Viak Studio Beyond the basic plate/bowl/cup trio of everyday tableware, I’m a mere Simpleton when it comes to the subject of ceramics. The finer points of teapots and terrines are… Read more

Hermès – Rive Gauche

Text: Aran Cravey Image: Jennifer Vinopal The airy, tri-level store on Rue de Sèvres in the 6th arrondissement was originally created to house the swimming pool for the Hotel Lutetia during its grand dame era… Read more

MAC/VAL Vitry Sur Seine

In the unlikely event that Paris is beginning to get tiresome, art correspondent Lilianne Milgrom offers two very different art experiences outside the Paris metropolis. Here she offers a contemporary option at Vitry-sur-Seine's outstanding contemporary… Read more

St. Germainer