Text: Carly DeFilippo If your cooking seems a bit bland, spice it up with some of the best herbs and spices. There are several shops that can supply you with all of the zesty flavors… Read more
Ever wondered where Catherine Deneuve comes to have her hair coloured? You can try and get that essential blonde colour with Christophe. Colorist and creator for the laboratories of L’Oreal Paris, Christophe Robin develops colors… Read more
You’re unlikely to bump into someone with the same scent while you’re shopping here. Created and conceptualized by father and daughter Francis and Olivia Giacobetti, IUNX carries a wide variety of high range, exotic as… Read more
A specialist bookstore like only Paris knows how to do – this one stocks an impressive array of volumes relating to the theatre, opera, dance, music, mime and cinema. For those interested in the performing arts,… Read more
One of Paris’ top chocolatiers, JP Hevin’s signature store on the rue Saint Honoré, also has a sophisticated Salon de Thé, which is great for a lunch entre copînes, it’s not too expensive. With additional boutiques… Read more
Self confessed sybarite, Frédéric Malle is the son of the creator of Dior perfumes. He grew up appreciating the good things in life and is now one of the ‘new generation’ of master perfumiers,… Read more
French lingerie with a twist, Chantal Thomass‘ lingerie is hip and seductive with intricate and unique designs. Each piece of lingerie has its own personality. If you’re looking for something to match your corset and… Read more
You have a passion for shoes and handbags. What, really? Well you’re not the only one in this town. MODA is a clandestine chausseure operation. The exterior windows are stacked high with shoe boxes; the owner… Read more
Despite instant movie downloads, France is still a country of moviegoers, and Paris is still the film capital of Europe. As well as the mega chains UGC and MK2, a number of independent cinemas survive… Read more