Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme

The Musée d’art et d’histoire du Judaïsme is the successor to the Musée d’art Juif de Paris, established in 1948 by a private association to pay homage to a culture that had been destroyed by… Read more

Le "Mini Palais" au Grand Palais

Image: Grand Palais This restaurant sits slinking under the colonnades of Le Grand Palais when. With its contemporary décor and cuisine, by triple starred Eric Frechon and Stéfane d’Aboville, it’s a hit with those searching for… Read more

Chez Le Libanais

Image: Serge Melki  Lebanese cuisine is a favorite in Paris.  Lebanon was a French UN mandate from the end of WWI until WWII, (Beirut was nicknamed of “Paris of the East”) and the cuisine has… Read more

Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard

Image: Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard This space shows young French contemporary artists and curators working in the field of plastic arts.  Exhibitions are accompanied by a programme of talks and discussions in the evenings, conferences and… Read more

Ze Kitchen Galerie

  Image: Alain Bisotti A burst of colour and invention in a world of heavy sauces and (well-loved but) dull staples of French Cuisine.  Sometimes one yearns for something more fresh, light and modern in… Read more

Ecole National Supérieure des Beaux-Arts

The Ecole des beaux-arts is Paris’ prestigious Fine Arts academy. At the end of their period of study, students receive a diploma (diplôme national supérieur d’arts plastiques), after presenting their work to a jury largely… Read more

Fondation Cartier

The Fondation Cartier – one of the many Paris museums dedicated to contemmporary art – puts on consistently good shows and invests in young artists, as well as some more established international names. The beautiful building… Read more

Jeu de Paume

Focusing on photography, video and film, the Jeu de Paume also offers talks, lectures and courses in addition to its always engaging program of exhibitions. Originally the royal tennis courts, this light and airy museum is… Read more

Parc de la Villette

Image: Martyn Davis In the Parc de la Villette, which was the site of Paris’ old abattoir, you’ll find a multitude of things to do.  The area was part of a local urban regeneration plan… Read more