Words: Jill Pope VDB is a bit of a sleeper. On a side-street off the more well-trodden ‘lower’ Oberkampf, of Aux Deux Amis et al, I had been meaning to check out this open-fronted cave… Read more
Words: Jill Diane Pope Image: In the Garden Sometimes it’s nice to escape the hectic pace of life in La Capitale and go, like the famous theme song says, somewhere where everybody knows your name.… Read more
Words: Jill Pope This is a caviste with a difference. For those who love drinking wine and saving the planet En Vrac provides an opportunity to combine those two worthy objectives in its small boutique… Read more
Opening quietly over summer, new bar and restaurant Le Dépanneur has brought a touch of California casual to the 9th arrondissement. The original Le Dépanneur is fondly remembered through hazy memories as somewhat of a… Read more
Words: Omid Tavallai Anna Trattles sits across from me at one of the handful of tables inside the high-ceilinged, white-walled, windowed room that is Le Bal Café. “You’ve got five minutes,” she says, constantly looking… Read more
Words: Richard Price Image: Le Tango Timing, as they say, is everything. At Le Tango, this could not be more true. On a recent Saturday night, my gal-pal and I arrived there at 23:30 and… Read more
On a narrow cobblestone street in Paris' Beaubourg district, Simon Thillou is slowly fomenting revolution. Or fermenting, rather... Mild-mannered and extremely friendly, he explains in fluent English, "Paris is not a beer place. It's difficult… Read more
Text: Nick Forrester Image: Katte Bellatje Le Verre Volé, on Rue de Lancry, has a rustic French charm, which belies its relative youth. One of the pioneers of the ‘neo bistrot’ scence which swept Paris in… Read more
Text: Sarah Moriarty Image: La Conserverie The eclectic bar-restaurant, La Conserverie, at 35 bis rue du Sentier in the second arrondissement, serves some of the best cocktails in the city. This is big praise for… Read more