We are often asked this question and the language issue is naturally a very important one to address. Contracts and agreements must be drafted in French in order to be valid under French law. We work… Read more
Text: Anne Ditmeyer Image: Nordik Market Inspired by his travels and friends Guillaume Deroy made his long time dream a reality when he opened Nordik Market, a concept shop devoted to Scandinavian design. Coming from… Read more
Text: Philip Tonda The new Paris-based photo studio Atelier Boba does not only offer printing and technical advice on a high, professional level; they are also, unlike most printing places, very competent in giving artistic advice… Read more
Text: Brian Clark Image: Alaina Lele Upon taking a seat at Le Beverley Cinéma, the first thing I notice is that all of the patrons except my girlfriend and I choose to sit at the… Read more
In France, properties with common elements (whether a building, amenities or land) shared with other properties are owned outright through a system called ‘co-ownership’ (copropriété), similar to owning a condominium in the US. The owners… Read more
Part design boutique, part coffee bar, the location is prime in the 9th arrondissement, around the corner from Hotel Amour, a block from rue des Martyrs, and just a few steps away from… Read more
Text: Anne Ditmeyer, Prêt à Voyager One of my favorite parts of events like Paris Design Week is discovering new venues. One of these discoveries was Le Lieu Design. Located at located at 74, rue… Read more
Words: Richard Price Image: Patrick Janicek There are times when you want to express your individuality and creativity. And then there are times when you just want to blend into the wallpaper. BHV Homme… Read more
Words: Omid Tavallai Coffee is Paris has taken a turn for the better in recent times. It seems a long time ago that people were slashing through the images of postcard-perfect zinc counter tops and… Read more