
Marché de l’Olive La Chapelle

Text: Emily Sands-Bonin The recently-refurbished Marché de l’Olive has been hailed as very “Baltard” by Bertrand Delanoë, mayor of Paris, an allusion to French 19th century architect Victor Baltard, designer of Les Halles, Paris’ mythical… Read more

Marché Saint-Quentin

Text: Brendan Seibel Image: Dale Calder Today it’s hard to imagine Les Halles as anything other than an architectural disgrace. Centuries ago it was the “Belly of Paris”, but now teems with a distinctly different… Read more

Le Rocketship

    Part design boutique, part coffee bar, the location is prime in the 9th arrondissement, around the corner from Hotel Amour, a block from rue des Martyrs, and just a few steps away from… Read more

Café Coutume

Words: Omid Tavallai Coffee is Paris has taken a turn for the better in recent times. It seems a long time ago that people were slashing through the images of postcard-perfect zinc counter tops and… Read more

Le Verre Volé

Text: Nick Forrester Image: Katte Bellatje Le Verre Volé, on Rue de Lancry, has a rustic French charm, which belies its relative youth. One of the pioneers of the ‘neo bistrot’ scence which swept Paris in… Read more

Au Petit Tonneau

Text: Brendan Seibel Image: Au Petit Tonneau Nestled amongst the glitz and glitter of the 7th Au Petit Tonneau brings the neighbourhood back to Earth. Walking inside this unassuming restaurant is like crossing the threshold… Read more

La Grande Epicerie de Paris

Words: Richard Price Image: Stéphanie Moisan If you are a true food-lover, upon entering la Grande Epicerie de Paris, it feels as if your head might explode at any moment.  They have so much and… Read more

Lac-Hong Vietnamese Restaurant

  Text: Brendan Seibel As the luxury coach pulls away, leaving you to stand in the middle of Saigon, expect to be surrounded by restaurants resembling Lac-Hong. Authenticity hounds would flee from the faux-traditional facade… Read more

Le Petit Paris

Text: Susie Hollands Image: Le Petit Paris Le Petit Paris is a great mid-priced hotel options in one of the most sought after areas of the city. The old Relais de Poste is perfectly situated… Read more
